

1) To create a “third space” for those in our community

2) To introduce specialty coffee & teas from around the world in an unpretentious environment

3) To be an experiential learning environment for staff and guests

4) To be a conduit for students and young adults to pursue their life’s passion

As we move to sourcing our own green coffee, roasting, blending, and introducing our favorite coffees to our family, friends and neighbors, these values remain. Though having been in the specialty beverage space now for a number of years as passionate educators (BD Barista School), we have added and expanded several principles to our values, including:

To be an active an leader in recognizing and promoting sustainability within the coffee & tea supply chain. Specifically, on the pillars of Economic, Environment, and Social sustainability.

"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs“ - United Nations, Brundtland Commission, October 1987

Our goal is to engage all within the coffee and tea supply chain on how we as individuals, businesses, and communities can support sustainable initiatives. We want to be an active contributor in our communities, and as such have adopted several labeling “Call Outs” to support both our sustainability and charitable efforts.



If you find a hexagonal shape with a single word on your coffee packaging, these “call outs” refer to the following:

HONORARY: These coffees are special in two ways, first they are ‘Honorary’ in the respect that they pay tribute to an individual (s), or group which have had an impact on us as individuals or our community. Secondarily, there will always be a memorial element of these coffees wherein BDC will make a $ 1 / lb contribution to an individual or nonprofit organization for the benefit of those in need.

RELATIONSHIP: These coffees are tied to specific farms in producing nations with whom we and / or other like-minded coffee roasting partners have established direct trade. The intention behind these coffees are specific to increasing the average rate / lb by at least 30%, to those that grow, prepare and distribute coffees for us to enjoy

COMMUNITY: These coffees are specific to community nonprofit organizations with whom we are partnering to raise funds for a specific cause. These organizations will earn minimally $ 1 / lb on all ‘community’ labeled coffees.

RESERVE: These are highly select, Microlot coffees, often from a specific farm / region with a limited annual production. These coffees are not available to the national / international coffee distributors, and have been selected for their unique qualities. All of these coffees will be offered on a very limited basis.


Historically, coffee blending has been utilized by the commercial (non-specialty) coffee industry to intentionally hide or pass along inferior coffees, often over roasting, to homogenize to a roast / taste profile (read burnt).

Today, BDC blend coffees, all of a specialty grade, all excellent coffees independently, to draw out a combined specific flavor profile. A flavor profile that we hope to deliver consistently throughout the calendar year as specific coffees lots come / go from the various coffee growing regions. We hope we can meet the tasting interest of individuals, café’s and businesses with these distinguished blends.

Naming of Blends

All blends will carry one of three naming conventions:

Filter Blends

Coffees intended for batch brewing mediums. Filter Blends will carry a naming convention of a historically significant individual in Michigan history. This could be from any field; including; industry, academics, arts, sciences, public service, athletics, or commerce.

Espresso Blends

Coffees intended, though not limited to, espresso based beverages. Espresso blended coffees will have a naming convention to honor our institutions of higher learning. While we encourage you to seek out your alma mater, or favorite school you cheer, we encourage to try your cross state rivals!

Honorary Blends

Honorary coffee blends will carry a naming convention specific to the individual or group we are recognizing. Please join us in embracing these specific coffees as we have created them in memorial.

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Blend Type:  Filter

Tasting Profile: Chocolate, toffee, peanut butter and lemon zest

A story from our founder: I am a fourth generation American immigrant. My parents having met in post  WWII, late 1950’s, on the dawn of the social counter culture revolution of early  1960’s America in a small Midwestern community outside Green Bay, WI. Not  surprising, my siblings and I were children with roots to many countries. As such,  our traditions and foods were rich in a tapestry of nations, from French Canadian,  Middle Eastern, Irish, and Belgium. This blend is in remembrance of my mother,  Judy Twomey-VandeWalle. Moeder is the Belgium word for ‘mother’.

While my  mother grew up in a Dutch household, rarely were the traditions of Belgium shared, sans St. Patrick’s  Day (her mother Irish) / (her father Dutch). For reasons unknown we would wear blue on St. Patrick’s  Day in recognition of the connection to Belgium. Something I never quite understood as a child, and  never thought to ask before her passing in 2019. 

My mother was an incredible person, the greatest gift shared was her appreciation and love of all  people. Whether you had just meet, or new her a life time, you were family. 

In the fall of 2019 doctors discovered a malignant brain tumor, which proved to be inoperable. Initially  misdiagnosed with a longer life expectancy, our family / friends shared some incredible moments  together. But by late summer, the treatments could no longer keep the tumor at bay, and discovery of  the actual type of cancer, suggested a much shorter horizon.  

Though as a mother, she was not finished teaching her children yet another life lesson. This time she  showed us how to finish, with an unwavering faith, and joy for a life well lived. Her life was not without  pain, suffering and disappointment, as she lived the majority of her life independent. It was not the  places, and things she spoke of most, but the many many people with whom she loved deeply. 

One of the things I often shared with my mother, was a love of coffee. She adored her local third wave  coffee bar, and a return home was never complete without stopping to check out the new coffees. 

So this coffee blend, is for my mother, your mother, and hopefully the people you love and choose to  share this cup with! 

Proceeds of this coffee will benefit small organizations that make the difference in youth education,  programs, the arts, and a myriad of community groups my mother was present and for medical research  in the arena of brain cancer. May someday, we find the cures to the ailments that take our loved ones  from us. 

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Blend Type: Single Origin Decaf Coffee

Tasting Profile: Dark chocolate, raisin and sweet cream

Emily Sauld (2005 – 2019) 

A story from our founder: This is the story of one of God’s special children, whose star shined brightly,  though not long enough to show the world the woman she was destined to be. 

My sister’s second daughter, Emily, had an infectious spirit, unbridled laughter,  and an incredible smile for literally anyone who had the opportunity to connect with her. She was physically bigger than most children her age, and as  a young girl took up the sport of basketball. Like many people larger than their peers, she was the  biggest softie / teddy bear one could meet. She was the one, who always picked up an opposing player.  She wore #4, a reference to another great Wisconsin athlete, Brett Favre. 

On a fall evening, having returned home from a Green Bay Packer football game, a final visit with her  dying grandmother, Emily was exhibiting uncharacteristic melancholy. Late that evening, my sister went  to check on her whilst sleeping. She was non responsive and rushed to an emergency room. After two  days in a coma, she awoke, alert and conversant with all. Twenty four hours later, she coded a second  time. This time, her organs began failing, never to fully regain consciousness. 

For reasons, unknown to the many doctors, nurses and staff at Children’s Hospital of Milwaukee, Emily  passed two days after her maternal grandmother.

To this date, there are more questions than answers, though what we know is that she parted this world  much too young.  

Decaffeinated Coffee seemed like the right coffee to honor my niece, as she was one who always  seemed to be on a caffeine induced adrenaline rush… just without the ‘Joe’. 

Proceeds from this coffee will be donated in memorial for Emily to childhood diseases. May she live on  in each of us, and to those families, whom our coffee community, may make a difference.